Xian The Great Merchant : Gold farming guide Part 1

Since CBT is over last night, now I will share how to make gold in The Great Merchant : Xian ep2. You can do this after One Hour Guide or Second Hour Guide finish with more porters at your formation. This making gold guide income would be static except you got more porters (full STR).

So here is the guide :
1. Pick two city that sells exactly item in its wardrobe
2. Screenshot each wardrobe items
3. See whichever that has different stock. Let says Hanyang sells gun X and have 15000 in stock while Nanjing sells gun X and have 25000 stock. Im 100% sure price of gun X in Nanjing are cheaper than Hanyang. So you can buy gun X at Nanjing, put it in your porters and sold it in Hanyang. You can profit up to 50% for this.
4. Theres one thing you should now, fewer stock doesnt mean its more expensive. Theres around 5-10% margin between stocks that make buy and sell price equal.
5. Always see information at the bottom of your chat, its random but always give highest margin between buy and sell.

This is one of many methods to make millions zin at the very first day. I did see people have 22 millions after a couple hours in the first day of CBT. But theres high risk with this farming guide, your base level would never up except your credit level. Thats why I dont like "Trade Run", maybe I will do it for only a couple days.

I hope with this Gold Farming Guide you can making much gold to make your journey easier. I will post more as soon as posible, because there is many more. But for a while you can read more at The Great Merchant : Xian ep2

How to finish quest kill monsters with multiclient !!

Hello guys, just make some preparation for open beta. I try to play 3 client of xian to finish quest kill Rude Rabbits x50. My hands still cannt connect to my head LOL

Just intermezo after leveling everyday. If anyone new for this game please check my tutorial before HERE

Xian The Great Merchant : Tutorial Part 4 (~2 hours)

Finally I got 10k BP. Its not hard with little trick but you dont get many income from this because what you need now is "Time".

1. After I sold all my porters in Level 30 Porters sold, I recruit six Shamans from training centre. I recruit them because Shaman has the bigest vit at level 1, and vit push BP more than other stat.
2. Back to Sea King and do the boring part : Grinding. Kill hundreds Sea Kings and put all your shamans stat to vit. I did this part around 2 hours.

1. BP 10k
2. Got some cash
Bonus : I got New Battle Spear. When you see "New" it means this weapon has skill as you see below. It will sells for 2-3 mil at current price.

If you from other country, I sugest to buy tank like swordman. So when you get your 10k BP and continue to Infernos, you can sells better than I buy shaman. I did wrong for this, but no good tank at Japan. For me a Ninja in Japan is the best tank because she can summon her shadows to tank (unlimited with magician help), but not many people would buy Ninja vit.

I dont really like this current part since I lost 2 hours for only a couple mil, not like Tutorial Part 3. Remember this is The Great Merchant games, not The Great Warrior so we will focus for money maybe at Part 5.

Level 30 porters sold !!

Following Tutorial Part 3, I just sold all six level 30 porters. I dont know how long but I did vending in the morning and when I got back all sold. I put another one and sold again. 12 mil now for only ~5 hours hunting, not bad :D

My BP still 3300+ so I can go to Sea King again to increase my BP. Our target now is 10k BP like I said before so I can go to Infernos to kill "dead" Sea King at 2nd level. I think I need more than two hours to finish this, so Ill post again this night.

Xian The Great Merchant : Tutorial Part 3 (~2 hour)

4 AM here, sooo sleepyy... Did my Laundry and just finish my character. What I should do now is leveling your porters since I use 6 porters.

1. After you got 2500 BP with Tutorial Part 2, go to Geoje Sea Cave near Busan in Korea. You will see board here and it has Quest with 10.000 exp, BUT its not worth. Just skip to 2nd floor. Go to 2 o'clock and you will find Sea King.
2. With your level and stat, you need to attack it two times with your axe skill to kill it. Fire Nahan has 630 exp per monster with one hit axe skill and Sea King has 1400 but with two hit axe skill. So you can say a Sea King worth 2.2 times exp but only need 2 times attack than Fire Nahan and dont need to mob more than one monsters so you can focus on one wave. Dont forget to withdraw if your MP off.
3. I did grind here for two hours, got around 150k zin (sigh) and 6 (all of) my porters to 30. I get my low level character for vending, put all my level 30 porters there and sells it for 2 mil zin each for total 12 mil zin. Usually it sold less then 1 hour. You can see the result here Level 30 Porters sold !!
4. Now its getting serious so you need 10k BP. For me I get 4 more battle mercenaries and 2 porters.

1. Level 30 porters
2. Sold all porters
3. Check your formation again
Bonus : you can also finish all quest from Heihachi, you will get weapon level 55 that can be sold for hundred thousands zin to NPC.

This is my character when I finish I got 4126 BP but I need 10k BP now to get into infernos. So I will just grind here until my BP reach 10k. But for now I have to sleep, so good luck guys...

Xian The Great Merchant : Tutorial Part 2 (~1 hour)

Sup guys !! After Tutorial Part 1 , you suppose got your main character with Training Demon Slayer Axe without mercenary. Either you got free General or Thunderstruck Title or both, now you focus on leveling and forget your other quest.

Go to Mt. Ryung, on my case it near Kyoto. Once you enter there is board that have quest. Thats what we will finish it.

1. Still focus STR on your main char, after you take the first quest you will have to kill Rude Rabbit x50 and Runaway Rat x50 for the next quest. All in Mt. Ryung room 1. Just like at Scissor Ghost, move to the crowd and use your axe skills OR use your free General skill to mob it all.
2. After you finish number 1 I bet you got some Star Pieces that worth 10000 zin (money) and you can sell it in any store in city. So just go back to your city, sell it, and buy some mercenaries (and porters put full STR). As you can see from the battle you will need extra MP. So you should find people sells Magician and buy 1 or 2, dont forget to buy many MP potions with some revival items and back to Mt Ryung. You wont need any HP potions if you have Shaman on your team.
3. 3rd quest of Mountain Ryung is killing Monster Tree at room 2 and 4rd for killing Water Nahan at room 3. With this monster you should kill one by one from far.
4. Go to exchange to finish quest at Confucian at level 20, 30 and 40 if you meet the level requirement.
5. After you report you will got 5th quest to kill Great Mountain which you cant kill yet, so skip it.
6. Now what you should do is grinding Water or Fire Nahan. If you try to attack Fire Nahan, it has 2400 HP so you need 300+ for each axe swing. You can not kill Fire Nahan before using equipments from Confucian at level 20 30 and 40. At level 40 I get 251 STR and attack Fire Nahan 350+ damage every one axe. At level 40 you got 30 STR from Confucian equipment !!!
7. After your main character level 40 finish again at Confucian and keep killing Fire Nahan until your Battle Point 2500. Depend on your mercenaries, you can get finish this Tutorial Part 2 and get 2500 BP in minutes if you set all your mercenaries to vit. All their stat will reset anyway if they changes to General...

For my formation : 1 Hero + 5 battle mercenaries + 6 porters and got 2500 BP when Im level 43 in 100 minutes and 200.000 zin. One green book from Fire Nahan worth 70k zin !!

1. Main charachter level 40+
2. Battle point 2500
3. Bonus : Go to Brother Im at 2nd room Mt Ryung, you will have to kill Flower Ghost. It rewards you with dolls that can be sold for hundred thousands zin at store !!

As I promise at the begining HERE, its fast right ? If you really efficient with your time you can get level 50 in 2 hours. I will post the PART 3 after finish my laundry :D

Xian The Great Merchant : Tutorial Part 1 (~1 hour)

As I promise HERE, this is my first tutorial for The Great Merchant - Xian. With this guide I only provide 2 hours playing with double experience (Still close beta). Some people said its easy to get 100 in a day, some can only get level 30 for 5 hours playtime. But here's the secret :

1. I use Japan female hero. After you create a character, you will see 2-3 NPC near you. So take them all. Focus on NPC called Heihachi near Kiryu. And put all stat to STR
2. If you got quest to get 3 mercenary, buy 3 Porter (300 each) and put VIT full
3. Skip your work quest, since no ranch / plantation or anything build yet
4. If you got quest for leveling to level 6 and 10, levels your character while doing quest to kill Weak Racoon / Mantes in Proving Ground and sells other than quest item
5. If you got quest 500 Attack (Battle Point) just recruit more Porter and put VIT full
6. After you got level 10, go to exchange and go to NPC Confucian at 1 o'clock in the map to get your Training Demon Slayer for 10 days. It has Dancing Axe skill that attack monster with 8 axes in mid range with 50 mp.
7. Back to Heihachi then you will got quest "Explorasi Kyushu" to get free "weak" general Seishou. So go to pharmacy, bring some mp potion.
8. Quest number 7 is to kill Scissor Ghost x 30. So go to Kobe and check port inside it and take ship to Fukuoka. You can find Scissor Ghost at the center of the Island and attack it. The strategy is to move your hero inside the crowd and use your weapon skill with "i" button. Hopefully all the axes kill them. When your mp runout just withdraw and fill your MP. Repeat until finish and back to Heihachi to get General Ticket Seishou. This free General has magic skill with good area effect.
9 At this time your level should be around 15.
10. If you lucky enough you will got struck by thunder and acquired Thunderstruck title in your character title list. It got 50 wisdom so if you get the title you dont need that free general. After you finish number 6, just skip to Tutorial Part 2.

- Your Character level 10+
- You got your Training Demon Slayer Axe
- Bonus - Thunderstruck Title

Next come to my Tutorial part 2

The Great Merchant - Xian Tutorial

Sorry guys for the long wait. I was totally forgot because my addicted to new (but old) game : The great merchant - Xian. The game is really old but republish in my country. The reason I play Xian now because some of my friends got banned in international server because something silly called "over damage". They banned all peoples who got bigger damages than its sensor sets. Sadly all my friends is great spender at that game, and now we back to The Great Merchant - Xian from 8ternals.

Follow my guide here :
Tutorial Part 1
Tutorial Part 2
Tutorial Part 3
Tutorial Part 4
Farming Gold Part 1