1. After I sold all my porters in Level 30 Porters sold, I recruit six Shamans from training centre. I recruit them because Shaman has the bigest vit at level 1, and vit push BP more than other stat.
2. Back to Sea King and do the boring part : Grinding. Kill hundreds Sea Kings and put all your shamans stat to vit. I did this part around 2 hours.
1. BP 10k
2. Got some cash
Bonus : I got New Battle Spear. When you see "New" it means this weapon has skill as you see below. It will sells for 2-3 mil at current price.
If you from other country, I sugest to buy tank like swordman. So when you get your 10k BP and continue to Infernos, you can sells better than I buy shaman. I did wrong for this, but no good tank at Japan. For me a Ninja in Japan is the best tank because she can summon her shadows to tank (unlimited with magician help), but not many people would buy Ninja vit.
I dont really like this current part since I lost 2 hours for only a couple mil, not like Tutorial Part 3. Remember this is The Great Merchant games, not The Great Warrior so we will focus for money maybe at Part 5.
quit playing it already dude? lol