Xian The Great Merchant : Tutorial Part 4 (~2 hours)

Finally I got 10k BP. Its not hard with little trick but you dont get many income from this because what you need now is "Time".

1. After I sold all my porters in Level 30 Porters sold, I recruit six Shamans from training centre. I recruit them because Shaman has the bigest vit at level 1, and vit push BP more than other stat.
2. Back to Sea King and do the boring part : Grinding. Kill hundreds Sea Kings and put all your shamans stat to vit. I did this part around 2 hours.

1. BP 10k
2. Got some cash
Bonus : I got New Battle Spear. When you see "New" it means this weapon has skill as you see below. It will sells for 2-3 mil at current price.

If you from other country, I sugest to buy tank like swordman. So when you get your 10k BP and continue to Infernos, you can sells better than I buy shaman. I did wrong for this, but no good tank at Japan. For me a Ninja in Japan is the best tank because she can summon her shadows to tank (unlimited with magician help), but not many people would buy Ninja vit.

I dont really like this current part since I lost 2 hours for only a couple mil, not like Tutorial Part 3. Remember this is The Great Merchant games, not The Great Warrior so we will focus for money maybe at Part 5.

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